Something Different Read online

Page 4

  “Just while the game is on?” She gave him an evil grin. “Well, that could make for an interesting rest of the night. You know, if you’re gonna be a bad boy and all.” She gave him a quick wink.

  He slid closer so he could whisper in her ear. “If I’m a bad boy, are you going to give me a spanking?” His lips ghosted over her earlobe. He felt her slight shiver and smiled to himself.

  Not taking her eyes off the game, she said, “I thought you were going to be a good boy during the game?” Her voice had a quiet rasp to it, and he noticed her breath beginning to quicken.

  “I was, but now I’m really hoping to get that spanking,” he whispered softly. He nipped at her earlobe and felt her body shiver again, then sat back in his seat to watch her watch the game.

  The game was in its final quarter. Sebastian split his attention between the action on the screen and his feisty lass as she called the officials a colorful array of derogatory names, all while telling them what they could do with the calls they had just made. She had a great repertoire; he quite enjoyed the “fuck themselves sideways on a goal post”, thinking he could use that himself one day.

  Vying for her attention, he began talking about random things in hopes she would break from the game for more than a second or two. A feeling of empathy came over him for all the women he had ignored like this, suddenly understanding the complaints heaped on him over the years.

  “I just got back from the Caribbean; there was a shoot for a new line of scuba equipment.” Maybe this was a good start. “Have you ever been to the Caribbean?”

  “Uh huh, that’s nice.” Another sip of beer, not a glance in his direction. “Oh, for fuck’s sake! Where’s the flag? That was holding, you moronic fuckwad!”

  “Did I mention I have a loft with a view of the Thames?” he tried again. Nothing. Not a hint she’d even heard him. He blew out a breath of frustration. “Aye, it’s a lovely view. There’s a park down the way, very peaceful. I go there often to just think.” Nothing, not even a grunt. Deciding he needed something shocking, he tried, “And after I killed her, I cut off her head and stuck it on a pole, all while dancing around the town square naked.”

  That seemed to register something. “Oh, wow that’s—wait, what?” She turned to face him. “What did you just say?” Her eyes looked left, following the game.

  “I said . . .” He stopped himself as her body tensed up, her focus completely on the game.

  MacKenzie was on her feet, her chair wobbling unsteadily in her wake. Her knuckles were white as she gripped the table, jumping up and down and screaming at the player currently running with the ball. Sebastian sat back and watched her in awe.

  “Go. Go! GOOOOO! Yes! Faster! Run like the cops are on your ass! Come on, come on—” Her voice was high pitched and loud, her eyes wide open and shining brightly, her face a mask of pure exhilaration. “Oh my God! Oh my—YES! TOUCHDOWN!” She threw up her arms and began some kind of victory dance.

  Sebastian watched MacKenzie in continued amusement. Her hands were waving in the air and she jumped in place, her tits threatening to pop out of her dress with every bounce. Bas tried to congratulate her win, when she broke into what he thought was some version of the running man that quickly morphed to a cabbage patch, and finally, some kind of twerking that had him semi-hard and really wanting to get this lass alone. When her dancing came to a stop, color rose in her cheeks. A look of concern clouded her eyes as she scanned her surroundings.

  “Oh shit, I’m sorry. I just got a bit excited there. My boys won their tenth division championship in a row!” She finally faced Bas, clearly concerned that her celebration had embarrassed him. She needn’t have worried.

  He wrapped his left arm around her waist and pulled her into the space between his spread thighs until just an inch of air separated them. Bas lowered his head, his words a whisper on her lips. “Nothing to apologize for. I quite enjoyed your enthusiasm. You are just . . .” He couldn’t help but place a soft, slow kiss to her plump, pouty lips. His free hand shifted from the tabletop in a slow caress up her arm and across her shoulder, coming to rest at the nape of her neck. Feeling her stiffen slightly, he reluctantly eased away from their kiss, not fully breaking contact. He felt her quickening pulse under his fingers. He held his breath, hoping he hadn’t ruined the evening with his impatience.

  “You kissed me.” Although her tone registered shock, she made no move to pull away.

  “Mmm . . . I did, and—” Again, his words were cut off, but this time it was MacKenzie doing the kissing. Sliding her hands from his chest to wrap them around his neck, she pulled him into her kiss.

  The kiss began with a light press of lips. Teasing pecks becoming increasingly firmer, lips parting slightly, a tongue sliding along the seam, begging entrance. Bas tightened his grip on her waist, pulling her closer, feeling her soft curves pressed against him. His cock rose to near full staff as his hand left her waist in a slow-motion slide to her ass. He grabbed a handful of cheek, pulling her even closer and deepening the kiss, collecting her gasps and moans.


  MacKenzie was lost in a passion she hadn’t felt in a very long time. She allowed herself to relax and enjoy what could possibly be the best kiss she’d ever had. This guy. There’s just something there. She’d figure out the something later; right now she just wanted to stay here kissing him forever. Unfortunately, the ringing cell phone quickly put a stop on forever.

  With a deep sigh of regret, MacKenzie pulled back just far enough to answer Ella’s call. “Hello?”

  “Where are you? I tried texting you! It’s almost midnight!” Ella sounded more like a mother than a daughter.

  “We came to the hotel bar. Sorry, I didn’t hear the text. We’re on our way now. Two minutes.” Hanging up, she looked up at Bas. “That was Ella. She, uh . . .” She bit her lower lip.

  “Right. Fireworks, midnight, champagne . . . another kiss . . .” He released her from their embrace.

  After stepping out of the bar, MacKenzie stopped to slip off her heels and dropped to her true five-foot stature. Sebastian looked down at her. “What are you doing?”

  “Isn’t it obvious? Taking my shoes off.” She grinned at him.

  “I can see that. Why are you taking them off?”

  “There ya go. That’s what you should have said.” She explained, “To answer your question, though, we need to hurry back to the ballroom. I’m not a fan of running in heels, so”—she lifted her shoes—“they come off, and away we go.” To make her point, she took off at a fast pace.


  Sebastian’s long strides had him quickly closing the distance between them. Taking her hand in his, he kept pace as she sped up, turned a corner, and nearly crashed into a small group of potted plants concealing a couple in a passionate embrace. Righting her course, they reached the ballroom doors, where MacKenzie took the time to replace her shoes while Sebastian, using his height advantage, scanned the area for Ella. After spotting her near the terrace doors, they made their way over, hand in hand, neither wanting to let go of the other for very long.

  There was something there that needed examining, but later. Right now, they would just enjoy whatever this evening brought to them.

  Ella greeted them with a pair of martini glasses containing a pink liquid in her hands. A young man with ginger hair, bright blue eyes, and a riot of freckles across his cheeks and nose was standing beside her with a pair of ales in his hands. Ella passed a drink to her mother.

  “Ma, you remember Rudy from earlier, right?” She waved her now-empty hand in his direction. “Rudy, this is my mother, MacKenzie.”

  Tasting the pink concoction to buy time to collect herself, she turned to look at Rudy. “Nice to meet you, but aren’t you supposed to be working?” She took another taste. “Oh, this is good! What is it?”

  “He was off the clock at eleven. He’s been keeping me company since you left me here all alone,” she mock-whined, an exaggerated pout in full force. “The drink is cal
led a Princess Martini. Rudy brought one over to me after you abandoned me for him.” She sent a teasing scowl in Sebastian’s direction.

  “Oh, for the love of . . . you really missed your calling. You should have become an actress, not a baker.” McKenzie rolled her eyes. “He has a name. It’s Sebastian, and against my better judgment, I’ve decided to introduce you. Now be good.” She turned. “Sebastian, this is my youngest pain in the ass, Ella. Please understand, she’s not well. We're unsure exactly what her problem is. The current theory is that she was swapped out with an alien clone when no one was looking.” She laughed and took another sip of the cocktail.

  Chuckling lightly, Sebastian stepped up to Ella and extended his hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Ella. Funny story, I thought you and your mother were sisters before she corrected me.” He turned to her male friend. “Hello, I think I heard your name was Rudy? I’m Sebastian.” Introductions made, the group moved to the terrace to view the show in the sky.


  As the midnight hour drew near, more couples filled the garden area, crowding the newly formed quartet to a darker corner of the garden. There was a line of hedges lit with fairy lights edging the garden area to their right. Behind them, balusters rose several feet above the rose bushes, and sweetheart benches were set along the bottom edge of the terrace. A light breeze had MacKenzie shivering and moving closer to Bas. She pressed her back into his front. Feeling for the edges of his jacket, she wrapped herself in his warmth. Strong arms wrapped around her, holding her close. Lowering his head slightly, his breath tickled her neck just before a light kiss had her shivering once more.

  “Are you cold, love?” His voice was a husky whisper against her ear.

  “Not anymore.” She snuggled in a bit tighter, giving a content sigh.

  A small army of servers armed with full trays of champagne began circulating throughout the garden, ensuring all revelers had glasses to toast in the New Year. The countdown began, and the crowd joined in at various points. Everyone turned toward the back of the garden, awaiting the stroke of midnight.

  “Five, four, three, two, ONE! Happy New Year!” A riot of cheers could be heard across the garden, and the familiar tune of Auld Lang Syne was played by the band inside. Fireworks exploded, lighting the clear night sky with bright colors and artful designs.

  She turned to face Bas, still embraced in his strong arms. “Happy New Year, Sebastian.” She rose on her tiptoes and wrapped her arms about his neck.

  “Happy New Year, MacKenzie.” He lowered his head to meet her puckered lips for a soft, slow kiss. He pulled back a hairsbreadth. His eyes locked with hers, making her forget everyone and everything else. It was just them there, alone.

  Until it wasn’t. A not-so-subtle throat-clearing cough sounding beside them had them each taking a step back and turning to see a smug-looking Ella.

  “Hi. Sorry to interrupt.” Her smirk and tone said she wasn’t sorry at all. “We’re heading to a party at Rudy’s friend’s place. Do you want to come with?”

  “No. You go on without us. Just be careful.” MacKenzie’s fierce gaze landed on Rudy. “If anything happens to her, I’m coming after you. Understand?”

  “I will take very good care of her, I promise,” he said, giving the mama bear his best “trust me” smile.

  Stepping up to Ella, MacKenzie pulled her aside and spoke softly. “Watch your drinks. Call me if you need to. Don’t do anything stupid, and don’t get arrested.”

  “I’ll be fine. Rudy is a perfect gentleman.” She nodded toward Bas. “Have fun, and don’t forget about the door sign. He seems to really like you.” She wiggled her eyebrows and giggled.

  “Don’t start. Just go.” Laughing lightly, she gave Ella a gentle shove in Rudy’s direction. “Happy New Year, Baby Girl. I love you!”

  “Love you too.” She blew her mother a kiss as she walked away with Rudy.


  Stepping up behind MacKenzie, Sebastian wrapped her in his arms again. His chin rested on her head as they watched the young couple walk away. “So what should we do? Would you like to dance?” His hips swayed slightly to the music drifting into their dark corner of the garden.

  Turning in his arms, she laid her hands on his shoulders, her body matching his swaying. “I don’t think I want to dance. I was thinking we could maybe head upstairs and find other ways to entertain ourselves.” A sly grin played along her lips.

  “Hmm . . . that sounds interesting. What did you have in mind?” Leaning down, he pressed his lips to hers, speaking through a series of small pecks. “I have some ideas. Some really naughty ideas.”

  Kissing him back, she eased her tongue into his mouth. Grinding up against him, then pulling back slightly, she whispered, “Well, I was thinking we could maybe . . .” Her hands slowly slid from his shoulders to grasp his tie and give it a small tug that brought him closer still. She spoke against his lips. “We could do something about this.” Pressing her midsection into his hard shaft, her intentions were clear.

  “I like the way you think.” Another deep kiss had his hands wandering from her waist to her ass. He gripped her firmly against him before ending the kiss, but he still kept her close. “I’m so glad I played it safe,” he mumbled before claiming her lips again.

  Breathless and flushed with arousal, MacKenzie said, “Don’t forget you’re buying breakfast.” Pausing briefly for another deep kiss, she added, “And I intend to work up quite an appetite.”

  He scooped her up in his arms and took off at a brisk pace. Her swatting hands and curses had him gently lowering her to the terrace floor before taking her hand and walking away from the ballroom in search of the elevators.

  Chapter 5

  The walk to the elevators gave MacKenzie the time to gather some of her racing thoughts. This was all happening so fast, but it didn’t feel wrong. The attraction, both immediate and mutual, was one thing she needn’t dwell on. It was simply a case of lust at first sight. It was the easiness of being with him, the banter, the teasing, that kiss. All of this was just too easy and so comfortable. If she let herself, she could see them together down the road, and it didn’t send her into a panic as she thought it would or should. That must have meant it was indeed time that she moved on.

  She’d love Jason ’til her last breath. That would never change, but perhaps she could let herself love someone new too. Not that Sebastian was that someone. He was definitely not that someone. She would be on a plane in a few days, heading back home to her life. All her friends were always trying to set her up. She’d let them now. It was time for something different, someone new.

  Suddenly, she could breathe a bit easier, as if an invisible force around her chest had released its grip. The tension that left her body was replaced with a soothing calm. A sweet smile formed on her lips as she let out a soft sigh. She gave a small squeeze to Sebastian’s hand when she caught him watching her with a sideways glance.

  Stealing a glimpse from the corner of his eye, Sebastian watched as an array of emotions played across her face. It seemed she was having a battle of thoughts, much like his own. How could this feel so right so soon? He’d known her for a few hours, yet it felt like forever. He couldn’t explain it. He’d never had such an instant connection with someone, not even Maria. The fact that she was only here for holiday diminished the possibility of this—whatever this was—continuing beyond the date included with the auction. There was no use thinking anything could come of this, but he couldn’t stop thinking what if a million different ways. All of them led back to the same place: an ocean away from each other.

  God, he was going to miss her. He didn’t even know when she was leaving, for Christ’s sake! Yet he was already missing her. And that was something he didn’t even want to ponder. It was just too crazy to try and rationalize because there was no way he was halfway in love with her already. No, definitely not. He didn’t need to think about the attraction. That was the one thing he understood fully. She was sexy with those tempting c
urves and her sassy attitude. She didn’t even have to try, she just was. He was screwed unless he could think of something to keep this going. Her number might be a good place to start.

  They arrived at the elevators just as the doors were closing behind a small group of revelers. Sebastian pushed the button and turned toward MacKenzie, wrapped his arm about her waist, and pulled her in for a few light kisses as they waited. When the doors opened, Bas glanced up and walked them into the elevator, still showering her with light kisses, not willing to let go as they crossed the threshold. He quickly hit the door close button.

  He slowly backed her against the wall and deepened his kisses, then wedged his thigh between her legs as his hands explored every curve. Cupping her tit with his right hand, he gently kneaded it. With a low moan, he broke from her lips, leaving a trail of wet kisses along her jaw to her ear. His words were a warm whispered breath. “Perfect, so perfect.” The tip of his tongue did a slow slide along the edge of her jaw and back to her sweet lips, thrusting in and out, matching the rhythm of her hips rocking against his thigh. There was a small jolt as the elevator came to a rest and the doors opened at her floor, forcing them to end the passionate embrace to exit the car.